
Junior League of Winston Salem offers two different publications to its members and the community. Our internal membership newsletter, the Informer is published annually. The most current issue and past issues can be found here.

Words of Winston-Salem (WoWS), is our annual magazine distributed publicly, as well as to the active and sustaining members of the Junior League of Winston-Salem. For the most current issue and archives please go here.

Interested in Advertising in the Informer or WoWS?

We invite businesses and corporations to support the JLWS by promoting your business or organization through advertising in the Informer and/or Words of Winston-Salem (WoWS). Studies show that one of the hardest-to-reach demographics is women, ages 25-64. If this is an audience you would like to target, your marketing plan should include advertising with us.

Advertising space, which is limited, is available for both publications on a first come, first served basis. Please contact for more information.