
Today, the JLWS has hundreds of New, Active, and Sustaining members. Our membership includes executives, community leaders, entrepreneurs, mothers and professional women from diverse backgrounds. As an organization, we remain committed to empowering our members to serve as catalysts for positive change throughout Winston-Salem, working collaboratively with our non-profit partners. The JLWS has been, and will continue to be, an instrumental force for positive change in our community. Download our brochure to learn about the many projects and opportunities the JLWS can provide to you.

Member Groups and Activities

The JLWS also has many opportunities for members to make new friendships and stay connected with each other beyond our community and event offerings. League Linker events and Member Interest groups provide opportunities for women to connect with one another outside their placement and fundraiser responsibilities

Benefits of Membership

  • Connections – We connect to communities in need, to people we serve and to those we serve with.
  • Training – Our “on-the-job” training through volunteering provides new skills for lifelong use. We have programs that help train for effective community service and leadership, including finance, fundraising, leadership, public relations and marketing, advocacy and personal development.
  • Pursuit of Interests – Opportunity to engage with like-minded women and pursue common interests.
  • Leadership Development – Opportunities to serve on community Boards of Directors and chair committees that make an impact in the community.
  • Community Impact – We take pride in our awareness of community needs and opportunities to contribute to solutions so that we can continue to make a positive impact in the community.
  • Membership Transferability – League membership is transferable throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and England.
  • New friends and opportunities – For continued growth and personal fulfillment.

Annual Requirements of Active Membership

  • Attendance at General Membership Meetings
  • Placement participation
  • Contributions to fundraisers
  • Training
  • Annual Dues

Want to learn more about becoming a member? Click here!